On Age & Attitude: Part 7
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain
What? Of course we mind! Aging men seem to get all the breaks. Aging woman? Not as much!
Twain’s big old overgrown fuzzy mustache is now iconic. Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds seem to wear crazy bushy eyebrows like a badge of honor. Us gals? Forget it!
My friends and I have resorted to attacking those unwanted facial hairs with electrolysis, waxing and laser hair removal. We all know society has a double standard when it comes to aging. Goldie Hawn, Meg Ryan and Melanie Griffith have learned the hard way!
Several years ago, my pre-teen son rode in on his high horse one day and declared that my dying my hair and putting on makeup was “lying.” I said, “Honey, you can’t handle the truth!”
I don’t want to totally go to seed, physically, so I do what I can – within reason of course. When it comes to my body, I’m not trying to be a hero. And the rest of it? Well, that all seems to come down to finances. Go figure!
Instead of throwing out the bank, I choose to channel Georgia O’Keeffe, Judi Dench, and Julia Child. It helps me justify it. My wrinkles and sags bother me but I try to look beyond them. Knowing that my friends do see beyond them is a genuine help.
Here’s the truth about aging: it doesn’t matter how much cosmetic stuff a woman does to her body and face, you can still ALWAYS tell her age. It’s in her eyes, her hands, her walk, her mouth, her voice, her stamina and her knowledge of trending technology.
The real beauty is in acknowledging that you DO mind and are instead doing things that matter to you. Stay active, get outside, hike, camp, swim, sing, walk the dog, garden, plan a trip, go to the gym. Get and keep a sparkle in your eyes. Laugh at yourself or laugh at Donald Trump! Act young and silly and goofy. Figure out how to be happy. Keep the love alive. Make a change. Entertain. Learn the guitar. Download a new phone app. Buy sexy underwear. Wax a new place!
I couldn’t get through the aging process without good girlfriends to compare notes. We do keep aging. We do mind. But we don’t let it consume us. We do things that matter instead. The lovely flowers we all were once are slowly going to seed. But we are perennials. We will keep growing.
Ceci Bennett, Sister #127
I have stepped over the 60 line and have not always liked what I’ve seen. Like you, I’ve discovered my life offers me so many ways to grow and blossom. The best is yet to come…
True words Ceci! We do mind watching our youthfulness fade. Facing it with grace is what most of us strive to do. Staying active and doing things we love brings us to a better place within ourselves so that we are more accepting of what we can’t change and embracing all that we still have.
Thanks for your post.
Lenore sister# 1018
Thank you, I now deal with facial hair and hardly any on legs. Being a black hair way back when they really bother me on my face. It’s a daily thing checking and
plucking and I really hate this, but it’s life and another factor I can deal with.
Had breast cancer, now in my fourth year, praise God I am here, even if it’s
having to pluck those tiny black hairs. I am a white hair now at 77.
Great job Ceci. You are beautiful and I love you! Maurrie
We the big demographic- the Baby Boomers. Let’s rename ourselves the Baby Bloomers!!! Keep going, girls! Inspire until we expire. <3
I’m turning 62 this year, and I’m determined to keep myself “young” by finding joy and beauty wherever I can. So, I hike a lot, play with my grand baby a lot, and camp with the Sisters whenever I can. I’ll get the coveted senior pass from the Forest Service this year (!) and I’ll be camping this year with a new, bigger camper (yee ha). And girls, nothing makes me feel sassy and sexy like a new pair of cowgirl boots!
Robin C Sister #3746
Wish I could add another photo here- just had a real Cohiba cigar from Cuba that a friend hand-carried back— I did NOT inhale!
xoxox Ceci # 127
I am so glad that I joined this wonderful group of ladies-they are all so inspiring! My birthday is in a couple of weeks and will be turning 78..now, that’s not old, is it? I do find joy in so many ways and am surrounded by Nature’s beauty here next to the Big South Fork National Park.All of you are so beautiful with beautiful attitudes. Very glad that I’ve joined SOTF!
Beautiful ladies! I’m a newbie in Ft Collins…haven’t done anything yet but turning 69 this month I kiss my 60s adios and after getting thru this years wedding season (I’m a wedding gown Tailor) I hope to find you in places I can visit and look into buying a trailer!?