Why do you renew YOUR SOTF membership each year?
A current member recently posed this question on Sister’s on the fly Members’ Facebook page on the eve of renewing her annual membership ($70 annual dues) and the answers were very insightful. Here are some of those-
Carol M– I love meeting new sisters and I love my friends I’ve met before. I love how supportive this group of women are
Pat D– I saw an article in a magazine years ago about SOTF and thought “how cool is that?” I put it in the back corner of my mind, but never forgot. I was talking to a friend one say about getting a little trailer, and she started sending me all kinds of pictures. Then, I met a gal at a craft show and we started talking about trailers and both ended up joining and have consecutive Sister numbers! I had bought a beat up trailer and had started working on it before I joined. I found out about an event in McKinney, and Tammie, the hostess convinced me to come, even though I was’t finished with it. Before the McKinney event, there was a sister event in Fort Worth at the Cowgirl Museum. I went over on the Friday when they had a public event and realized I had found my “tribe.” I met Tammie face to face that night, and she nearly squeezed all the air out of my lungs. Joining SOTF is the most empowering thing I have ever done. I LOVE towing my trailer. It is one of those “happy places.”
Ann F– I love meeting all the sisters and enjoy time with woman that are so nice and welcoming. It is fun to travel to
Susan B– If it weren’t for SOTF I’d never have herded cattle on a Wyoming ranch, swam with the Manatees in FL, wandered Custer State Park again, kayaked Lake Superior or been going to New England. I feel sisters support and encouragement in everything I do.
Julie B- Adventures, getting me back to my home state of CA… I wouldn’t be going back without my sister trips. Wouldn’t be a sister if I didn’t do trips. You can find lots of groups on Meetup for lunch and movies but this group is for the travel/camping.
Bette P– I’ve camped since I was a kid, love to fish (hubs doesn’t) and I use to own and show horses (urban cowgirl) and I’m a little crazy. When I saw a segment on Travel Channel years ago and knew someday I’d be a Sister. Joined last month Sister #10371
Kristin M– I’m Sister #29. Oh, the stories I have and the fun… Oh my. The friends I’ve made….priceless.
Kathy W– Just one reason….. The sisters I’ve met are amazing. I would have never met them without SOTF.
Nancy E– I enjoy the friendships I have made, the memories. I wouldn’t have met these women had it not been for SOTF! SO looking forward to meeting and having fun with many more! To me, its well worth the money!
Lugene W– SOTF is made up of some of the most kind-hearted, vibrant, FUN, brilliant, talented, welcoming gals in the world. Nuff said! #3333.
Vicki B- The last 6 or so years of my life, I’ve gone through major life changes. 1) Major surgery with the potential for cancer, but thankfully, no cancer 2) Move away from my *peeps* & support system 3) Daughter off the rails 4) Loss of Mom and Dad 5) Cleaning & packing up parents’ & childhood home. About halfway through all this, I joined SOTF and have so much enjoyed, needed and am thankful for the support, friendship and simple hugs I’ve gotten.
Kris B– Omg….where do I start??? Life changing, fun, challenging, amazing, one of the best things I have ever done for myself and SOTF has brought some of the most amazing people into my life….and did I say FUN? It has brought me laughter, tears, amazement and joy….. Many of my friends and family live through my eyes and adventures…SOTF is a gift to myself.
JoAnn S- So I don’t have to travel alone. My husband doesn’t like to travel so I probably won’t go without my sister’s. And oh the places I’ve seen!!!
Becki F– I’ve met some of my closest friends in this group. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. As women, everything is our responsibility. Trips with the girls become my time to take care of me. Unwind, laugh, cut up, do nothing, do something, whatever I feel like. These ladies are my tribe and I’ll autorenew until I die.
Ginny McK– I lost my husband five years ago. The Sisters showed me HE died, I did not. I love the sense of community SOTF provides!
Kathy C– Sister support
I am going through some major life changing and not really sure what the hell to do? I lost my mother last July and have been lost ever since, though I have family! Can’t explain it… I have always taken care of others and been there for them, I need to find me without them… ??
I agree I need to find me. Lost my husband 18 months ago. Lost my beloved sister 20 days ago. Always been the care taker. Now I want to be the care taker if me and have some fun. Hoping to here from some sister in the Cincinnati area and get started on this new life adventure
Connie, I can relate with you in so many ways as well as with Mari Ann. I spent my whole life taking care of others including my mom with Alzheimer’s for twelve years. Somewhere down the road we got lost and I think SOFT just makes Girls out of Women… if you girls are ever in NJ get in touch with me, would love to meet up!
I joined in August of this year and was hoping to hear from someone in my area of Colorado. Someone to tell me how to get started SOTF. I will retire in December of this year.
Im very excited about this group. Yes I have a good friend that introduced me to it. I wasn’t sure at the time but Im learning how to do what I really want to do for the rest of my life. I lost my husband of 40 years almost 6 years ago, I m still searching for who I am. Anyway Im looking forward to the outdoor friendships.
Just joined this afternoon. Excited but a little scared. I am one little old lady (80). My family and friends (most of them. Others are jealous.) think I am crazy. Maybe I am, but according to Jimmy Buffet, that’s a good thing. Have a little pickup truck that I’m outfitting with a popup tent, porta-potti, shelves, coolers and all kinds of goodies. I have dozens of lists telling me what to take or not to take,things to check out, places to go people to invite along, etc., etc., etc. SOTF sounds an answer to prayer. I look at the events calendar and can’t think where to start – so many neat places and so many friendly faces. Have been through some yucky mucky times and am so looking forward to smelling the roses. Hope to see some of you soon.
Welcome to this club for daring women like you. I’m heading towards 73 years young. My husband died 4 years ago but he’s the one who suggested that I join. I live in northwestern part of Montana. My number is 182