Sister Story: Linda, Sister #4547
I knew when I retired that I wanted to travel and see as much of our beautiful country as I could. I loved the idea of camping. I googled “women traveling alone,” and Sisters on the Fly was one of the sites that came up. I loved the “rules” (No Men, No Kids, Be Nice, Have Fun) and made contact with the local wrangler. She set up a meet and greet with a few other Sisters, and by the end of the lunch I was hooked! I went right home and signed up!
When I decided to buy a camper, I chose to get a new one so I would have a warranty and room for grandkids who want to camp once in a while. There are so many amazing women in this group, and I now have some lifelong Sisters.
I named my camper Madame Butterfly in honor of my mom, who passed away in February 2008. That was her CB handle years ago and she always loved butterflies. On every trip I take, I always see at lease one butterfly, so I know she is traveling with me. – Linda, Sister #4547
This story originally appeared in Sisters Get Thier Kicks on Route 66
Photo by Irene Rawlings, from Sisters on the Fly